American Mathematical Society - Mathematical Association of America

Joint Mathematics Meetings
January 6-9, 2008 - San Diego, California
Exhibition of Mathematical Art

This year's exhibition is dedicated to Magnus Wenninger, a pioneer in the mathematical art community, whose models of polyhedra have inspired a new generation of mathematical artists.

The physical art exhibition took place in San Diego, California on January 6-9, 2008, as part of the 2008 Joint Mathematics Meetings.
It was organized by: Robert Fathauer, Tessellations Company, Phoenix, Arizona;
Web page design: Anne Burns, Long Island University

Jurors: Rinus Roelofs, Sculptor, the Netherlands; Robert Fathauer, Tessellations Company, Phoenix, Arizona; Anne Burns, Department of Mathematics, Long Island University, New York; Nat Friedman, Department of Mathematics, State University at Albany, New York; Reza Sarhangi, Department of Mathematics, Towson University, Maryland.

The individual artists own the copyright for their respective images. The images may not be reproduced or used in any manner without the permission of the artist.

Photographs of the exhibit

A 56-page catalog of the exhibition was prepared. Copies can be purchased from for $18 each.

Click on the artist's name below to see the work(s) in the exhibit by that artist

sarah-marie belcastro
Robert Bosch
Harriet Brisson
Vladimir Bulatov
Douglas Burkholder
Anne Burns
Donna Loraine Contractor
Roland de Jong Orlando
Jeffrey S. Ely
Robert Fathauer
Robert Fathauer, Nicholas Duchnowski,
  and Hank Kaczmarski

Michael Field
Larry Frazier
Nat Friedman
Chaim Goodman-Strauss
Gary Greenfield
Susan Happersett
Thomas C. Hull
Slavik Jablan
Andy Lomas
Kaz Maslanka
Susan McBurney
Douglas McKenna
Kerry Mitchell
Artemis Moroni
Meenakshi Mukerji
Jo Niemeyer
Curtis Lane Palmer
Andrew Pike
Dominique Ribault
Reza Sarhangi and Robert Fathauer
Radmila Sazdanovic
Carlo H. Séquin
Laura Shea
Clifford Singer
Mark Stock
Michael Sussna
Keti Tenenblat
Briony Thomas
Magnus J. Wenninger
Carolyn Yackel
Kristina H. Yu