Slavik Jablan

“Neon Flower”

Printed graphic, 24" x 24", 2007.

The mathematical background of the "Neon flower" is similarity symmetry, that occurs in many different ways in nature, mathematics and art, as the basis of phyllotaxis, symmetry of growth, Fibonacci sequences... On the other hand, it remains on different forms of knotted structures.


Printed graphic, 24" x 24", 2007.

Graphical work based on links and interlaced structures.

Slavik Jablan, Professor of Mathematics, The Mathematical Institute, Belgrade, Serbia

"For many years I used almost all painting techniques (oil, watercolor...), painting in a color-expressionist manner. Later I transferred to computer graphic and mathematical art, trying to preserve the individuality and originality of math-art works, so my math-art works are not computer-generated. In fact, I am using a computer only as a tool for producing artworks."

Another work by the artist


Printed graphic, 24" x 24", 2007.

Graphical work based on modular patterns and visual effects used in Op-art.