MAXIMAL I MINIMAL: the 8th International Alvar Aalto Design Seminar
MAXIMAL I MINIMAL, the 8th International Alvar Aalto Design Seminar, in Jyväskylä 27–28.8.2016, will bring together some of the hottest globally successful names in design right now!
The chair of the event is professor, interior architect Simo Heikkilä. The theme of the seminar MAXIMAL I MINIMAL, brings into the stage the topical phenomenon from arts & crafts to the lighting of cities and ecologically sustainable manufacturing.
The seminar consists of the seminar event on 27-28 August 2016 and the exhibition in the Museum of Central Finland from 27 August to 2 October 2016. The exhibition is compiled of the prototype designs by the 12 speakers of the seminar, manufactured by ten arts & crafts colleges in Finland.

This year, twelve world-renowned speakers will take the podium. These include: Jonas Bohlin (Sweden), Richard Hutten (The Netherlands), Jouko Järvisalo (Finland), Max Lamb (UK), Hans Lensvelt (The Netherlands), Cecilie Manz (Denmark), Kaoru Mende (Japan), Päivi Meuronen and Aimo Katajamäki (Finland), Fien Muller and Hannes Van Severen (Belgium), and Johanna Vuorio (Finland)
The registration of the event is now open. Check out the program, get your early bird tickets and subscribe to our newsletter at