Bridges 2010

The Bridges Conferences, running annually since 1998, brings together practicing mathematicians, scientists, artists, educators, musicians, writers, computer scientists, sculptors, dancers, weavers, and model builders in a lively atmosphere of exchange and mutual encouragement. Important components of these conferences, in addition to formal presentations, are hands-on workshops, gallery displays of visual art, working sessions with artists who are crossing the mathematics-arts boundaries, and musical/theatrical events in the evenings.

In 2010, the Bridges Conference will be held in Pécs, Hungary, July 24-28. As always, the Conference will feature talks and artworks presenting the latest ideas in mathematics and the arts from experts around the world. There will be artists and artworks representing painting, drawing, sculpture, computer graphics, fiber arts, music, dance, and more. There will be hands-on workshops, special music, theater, and movie evenings, and a day-long excursion to museums and cultural sites. The language of the conference is English. All papers are refereed and the accepted papers will appear in a printed proceedings.

Watch a beautiful introductory video.

Please print out these posters and display them:

Click on the links at left for detailed information about location, registration, events, schedule, submissions, deadlines, etc.  Also see the Pécs Cultural Center website.


For questions, please contact the following organizers:


The Bridges Organization would like to thank Dániel and Simon Erdély for making the initial suggestion that helped bring us to Hungary in 2010.