American Mathematical Society - Mathematical Association of America

Joint Mathematics Meetings
January 5-8, 2009 - Washington, D.C.

Exhibition of Mathematical Art

The physical art exhibition took place in Washington D.C. on January 5-8, 2009, as part of the 2009 Joint Mathematics Meetings.
It was organized by: Robert Fathauer, Tessellations Company, Phoenix, Arizona;
Web page design: Anne Burns, Long Island University, Brookville, NY

Jurors: Robert Fathauer, Tessellations Company, Phoenix, Arizona; Anne Burns, Department of Mathematics, Long Island University, New York; Nat Friedman, Department of Mathematics, State University at Albany, New York; Reza Sarhangi, Department of Mathematics, Towson University, Maryland.

The individual artists own the copyright for their respective images. The images may not be reproduced or used in any manner without the permission of the artist.


The inaugural Mathematical Art Exhibition Prize was established through an endowment provided to the AMS by an anonymous donor, who wishes to acknowledge those whose works demonstrate the beauty and elegance of mathematics expressed in a visual art form. The winners, selected by an independent panel of jurors and announced at the meeting, are:
First prize: "Wave (32)" by Goran Konjevod
Second prize: "Figure-8 Knot" by Carlo H. Séquin
Third prize:"Twice Iterated Knot No. 1" by Robert Fathauer

Photos of the exhibit

Click on the artist's name below to see the work(s) in the exhibit by that artist

Harry Benke
Vladimir Bulatov
Anne Burns
Adrian Dumitrescu
Robert Fathauer
Warren Scott Fentress
Nat Friedman
Mehrdad Garousi
S. Louise Gould
Gary Greenfield
JoAnne Growney
Zdenka Guadarrama
Bradford Hansen-Smith
George W. Hart
Iftikhar Husain
Karl Kattchee
Ghee Beom Kim
Goran Konjevod
Matjuska Teja Krasek
Francisco Lara-Dammer
Stephen Luecking
Kaz Maslanka
Susan McBurney
Jo Niemeyer
Jeanette Powers
Radmila Sazdanovic
Nathan Selikoff
Carlo H. Séquin
Christopher Shaver
Clifford Singer
Paul Stacy
Anna Ursyn
Suman Vaze
Anna Virágvölgyi
Nathan Edward Voirol
Elizabeth Whiteley

Other Mathematical Art Exhibits