Paul Stacy

“Swarming Pentaplex”

Giclee Print on canvas (mounted) scanned from original artwork, acrylic paint on board, 20 x 20 inches, 2004.

Swarming Pentaplex is a representation of the seven Penrose rhomb vertex groups, which I inadvertently "discovered" while experimenting with various matching rules. Of course the Penrose vertex groups have been long-known, however this exploded arrangement results from a very simple underlying tile decoration, with a gradual feathering out of the basic pattern. The resultant picture has great beauty inherent to pentagonal geometry with its aesthetic revelations of the "golden mean". The title refers to the fact that in the right half-light and standing at the right distance the painting comes alive with movement in waves across the canvas, like swarming bees!

Paul Stacy, Landscape Architect, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia

"The canvas giclee prints result from high resolution scans of my original artworks. My artworks tend to be conceived on the computer, which I then translate into reality by printing and manually cutting and painting the stencils on to board or canvas. There is no digital manipulation beyond the scanning process apart from some minor cleaning up of the images. I was attracted to mathematical art when a friend brought me back from Taos some ceramic Penrose tiles made by Saxe Patterson. Fifteen years later I still find them irresistible, inscrutable, enchanting and mysterious. Not being a "maths head" I've had to come at them from a graphic/design background, and I particularly love the 'self designing' nature of tile/motif design, and the beauty of the pattern revealing itself in ways you could never have anticipated."