Campus of Southwestern College and its icons by Brent Collins.
A wide variety of lectures to broaden the mind.
Brent Collins introduces and explains his new sculptures.
A sampling of things that were exhibited in the art gallery.
Art images submitted by the artists before the conference.
The Show-and-Tell room had a wide variety of fascinating displays and toys.
A big hit was the sale of zometool parts by the pound, so that one can build big structures.
Domes of many different types were put together, demonstrated, and deconstructed at the conference.
Cooperatively reconstructing a silk cloth folded by Chris Palmer.
Carol Bier wrote and produced a play for the conference.
Corey Cerovsek treated us to many musical pleasures performed on a Stradivari.
Speeches after the banquet.
Additional musical treats after the banquet.
On the last conference day there was a party ...
A final "puzzle" needs to be solved before the van can leave.
The exhibit of Steve Reinmuth's "Sound Sculptures" in the Albrecht-Kemper Museum of Art in St.Joseph.