

Here are some images made with Pan. Each thumbnail image below is a link that will take you to a larger version.   Placing your mouse cursor over a thumbnail will show the  size of the larger image.  Some of these examples come from Functional Images.

lerp_checkers_b.jpg (221458 bytes) lerp_checkers.jpg (218973 bytes) wedgeAnnulus_swirl_crop_ybRings.jpg (123024 bytes)
circleLimit_checker.jpg (382321 bytes) bulge checker.jpg (291645 bytes) circleLimit_kids.jpg (769604 bytes) spiral image limit.jpg (104634 bytes) diags bulged.jpg (171015 bytes)
rippleRadius_8_0p3_ybRings.jpg (230023 bytes) ripple_crop.jpg (157614 bytes) crop_ripple.jpg (117412 bytes) swirl_ripple_crop.jpg (222609 bytes) swirl_crop_ripple.jpg (215407 bytes)
cwave_sin_cropped.jpg (350460 bytes) polarChecker.jpg (81312 bytes) inverse tiled pat.jpg (200408 bytes) polarCheckerSwirlCrop.jpg (102812 bytes) cwave_tan.jpg (578146 bytes)
ringon_2.jpg (88474 bytes) radInvert_checker.jpg (44932 bytes) doubleWhirl.jpg (163823 bytes) gasket.jpg (17387 bytes) ringon_8.jpg (188320 bytes)
ripple.jpg (675760 bytes) circle text.jpg (38830 bytes) lens checker.jpg (76071 bytes) swirl fish.jpg (200440 bytes) lens.jpg (381880 bytes)
ring tiling counter-turning.jpg (776364 bytes) spiral title.jpg (517153 bytes) double_circleLimit_piggy.jpg (590414 bytes) spiral image limit.jpg (199759 bytes) inverting checker.jpg (335628 bytes)
sunrise-egg.jpg (293176 bytes) checker-lerps-four.jpg (353433 bytes) sunrise.jpg (311729 bytes) round and round.jpg (220244 bytes) sunrise-egg-uncropped.jpg (458816 bytes)
neal.jpg (25399 bytes) calendar.jpg (223794 bytes) neal tiled.jpg (26278 bytes) leadership.jpg (94745 bytes) neal tiled bulged.jpg (132657 bytes)


lens title.jpg (310071 bytes)

Here are some more spiral pictures.

And some older Pan pictures:

ustretch 200.0 (bilerp black red blue white)  (29K) rippleRadius 8 7 (pinwheel 50 6 1)  (24K) sunrise-dance-on-white.jpg (44542 bytes)
rbSpikes-hq.jpg (93564 bytes) swirl 50 (ustretch 30 (crop (\ (x,y) -> x > 0) rbDisk))  (30K) sun-medalian.jpg (31K) rbRipply.jpg (160K) rippleRadius 8 0.3 (swirl 100 (radCrop 20 (ustretch 25 ybDisk)))  (112k)
glowRibbons.jpg (31K) swirl 100 (crop (ustretch 50 udisk) (radCrop n (ustretch 10 rbRings))) (71K) rippled-pinwheel-colored.jpg (23K)

Here are some animations (not yet updated with recent ones):

\ t -> turnFadeCat t `over` cb1  (150KB) \ t -> swirl (0.01 + 100.0 * sin t) (vslab 20.0)   (41K) \ t -> turn t (swirl 10 (ustretch 30 (crop (\ (x,y) -> x >* 0) ybRings)))  (148K) \ t -> diffuse 30 (cos t * z / 50) cb0 (109K) \ t -> cats t `over` cb1  (181K)
t -> swirl' (t*t*t) (checkerBoard 10 black white)  (305K) \ t -> pinwheel (50 / sin t) 4 1)  (126K) \ t -> ustretch (4.0 * sin t) (cond (\ p -> f2i (distO p) mod 2 == 0) (lift0 black) (lift0 white)) (96K)
\ t -> pinwheel (50 / sin t) 6 ((1 + sin t)/2) rbdisk  (626K) \ t -> turn (-t) (pinwheel 100 6 1)    (17k) \t -> ustretch 50.0 (\ p -> cLerp (t/5.0 + distO p) red blue)  (88K) \ t -> turn (-t) (pinwheel 100 8 1)    (59k) \ t -> pinwheel (50 / cos t) 6 ((1 + sin t)/2)  (554K)
rippled-pinwheel-colored (359K) \ t -> swirl 100 (rippleRadius 10 ((1 + sin t)/2) (ustretch 20 ybRings))  (221K) rippled-pinwheel-scolor-hollow (215K)
\ t -> cond (turn t xPos) cat becky  (102K) \ t -> about (17,26) (iswirl 50 (sin t / 10)) spock  (93K) \ t -> cond (swirl (10 / sin t) xPos) bigCat becky  (618K) \ t -> about (17,26) (iswirl' 50 (sin t / 10)) spock (362K) \ t -> cond (ustretch 40 (move (cos t, sin (2*t)) udisk)) cat becky  (84K)
\ t -> about (fromPolar (50 * sin t, 2*t)) (iswirlC 20 0.5) cat  (108K) \ t -> swirl (100 * tan t) (checkerBoard 10 black white)  (147K)

All images and animations appearing and linked to above are © Conal Elliott, 1999-2000.  Sigbjorn Finne and Oege de Moor have helped a lot with the underlying software.  Some of the formulas were contributed by  Sigbjorn Finne or Craig Kaplan

For some older examples, look here