Old Gallery


Here are some old images made with Pan.  Each thumbnail image below is a link that will take you to a larger version.   Placing your mouse cursor over a thumbnail will show the defining formula and the size in bytes of the larger image.  For many more examples, see Functional Images.  

\ (x,y) -> x + y  (5K) \ (x,y) -> x * y   (33K) \ (x,y) -> x*x + y*y   (35K) \ (x,y) -> f2i (255.0 * sin (i2f (x*x+y*y) / 175.0))   (133K)
\ (x,y) -> f2i (i2f (1<<15) * (sin (sqrt (i2f (x*x+y*y) / 1000.0)) + 1.0))   (18K) \ (x,y) -> f2i (i2f (1<<16) * sin (sqrt (i2f (x*x+y*y) / 1000.0)))   (26K) \ (x,y) -> ((x*x+y*y)&(x*x-y*y))   (39K) ustretch 50.0 (\ p -> cLerp (distO p) red blue)   (15K)
\ (x,y) -> ((x+y)&(x-y)) * 1000   (75K) \ (x,y) -> if x|y > x then 512-x else 1-y  (42K) \ (x,y) -> (x|y) * 134246   (67K) ustretch 200.0 (bilerp black red blue white)  (29K)
swirl 20.0 (vslab 30.0)  (180K) swirl 200.0 (ustretch 100.0 (bilerp black red blue white . \ (x,y) -> (fracPart x, fracPart y)))  (84K) swirl 200.0 (checkerBoard 20.0 black white)  (140K) swirl 200.0 (checkerBoard 10.0 red blue)   (96K)
rbSpikes-hq.jpg (93564 bytes) rippleRadius 8 7 (pinwheel 50 6 1)  (24K) rippled-pinwheel-colored.jpg (23K) rippleRadius 8 0.3 (swirl 100 (radCrop 20 (ustretch 25 ybDisk)))  (112k)
glowRibbons.jpg (31K) swirl 50 (ustretch 30 (crop (\ (x,y) -> x > 0) rbDisk))  (30K) sun-medalian.jpg (31K) sunrise-dance.jpg (55K)
swirl 100 (crop (ustretch 50 udisk) (radCrop n (ustretch 10 rbRings))) (71K) ustretch 500 (radInvert cb0)  (23k) crop (ustretch 54 udisk) (swirl' 100 cb0)  (143K) rbRipply.jpg (160K)

Here are some animations:

\ t -> turnFadeCat t `over` cb1  (150KB) \ t -> swirl (0.01 + 100.0 * sin t) (vslab 20.0)   (41K) \ t -> turn t (swirl 10 (ustretch 30 (crop (\ (x,y) -> x >* 0) ybRings)))  (148K) \ t -> diffuse 30 (cos t * z / 50) cb0 (109K) \ t -> cats t `over` cb1  (181K)
t -> swirl' (t*t*t) (checkerBoard 10 black white)  (305K) \ t -> pinwheel (50 / sin t) 4 1)  (126K) \ t -> ustretch (4.0 * sin t) (cond (\ p -> f2i (distO p) mod 2 == 0) (lift0 black) (lift0 white)) (96K)
\ t -> pinwheel (50 / sin t) 6 ((1 + sin t)/2) rbdisk  (626K) \ t -> turn (-t) (pinwheel 100 6 1)    (17k) \t -> ustretch 50.0 (\ p -> cLerp (t/5.0 + distO p) red blue)  (88K) \ t -> turn (-t) (pinwheel 100 8 1)    (59k) \ t -> pinwheel (50 / cos t) 6 ((1 + sin t)/2)  (554K)
rippled-pinwheel-colored (359K) \ t -> swirl 100 (rippleRadius 10 ((1 + sin t)/2) (ustretch 20 ybRings))  (221K) rippled-pinwheel-scolor-hollow (215K)
\ t -> cond (turn t xPos) cat becky  (102K) \ t -> about (17,26) (iswirl 50 (sin t / 10)) spock  (93K) \ t -> cond (swirl (10 / sin t) xPos) bigCat becky  (618K) \ t -> about (17,26) (iswirl' 50 (sin t / 10)) spock (362K) \ t -> cond (ustretch 40 (move (cos t, sin (2*t)) udisk)) cat becky  (84K)
\ t -> about (fromPolar (50 * sin t, 2*t)) (iswirlC 20 0.5) cat  (108K) \ t -> swirl (100 * tan t) (checkerBoard 10 black white)  (147K)

Yet to come: more image filters, 3D, sound, and more animation.

All images and animations appearing and linked to above are © Conal Elliott, 1999-2000.  Sigbjorn Finne and Oege de Moor have helped a lot with the underlying software.  Some of the formulas were contributed by  Sigbjorn Finne or Craig Kaplan