A complete program for the conference is available as a downloadable PDF. Printed copies of the program will also be distributed at the conference. Below, please find a high-level overview of the program, useful for planning purposes.
Monday, July 15
2 - 6 pm: Registration
Tuesday, July 16
8:30am - 5pm: Registration
9 - 9:30am: Opening Session
9:30am - 10:30: Reza Sarhangi Memorial Lecture: Allan McRobie. The Seduction of Curves
10:30 - 11am: Coffee break
11 am - 12 noon: Oskar van Deventer. That Is Not Art, It Is a Puzzle!
12 noon - 2pm: Lunch break
12 noon - 1pm: Art Exhibition Opening
2 - 3:30pm: Regular and Short paper presentations and Workshops
3:30 - 4pm: Coffee break
4 - 5:30pm: Regular and Short paper presentations and Workshops
7:00 - 9:00pm: Evening Events at Tabakfabrik: Eugen Jost, Math+Art Fashion Show and Reception
Wednesday, July 17
8:30am - 5pm: Registration
9 - 10 am Helmut Pottmann. Discrete and Computational Differential Geometry for Functional Pattern Design
10 - 10:30 am: Coffee break
10:30 - 11:15 am: Elisabetta Matsumoto. Twisted Topological Tangles: Or the Knot Theory of Knitting
11:15 am - 12 noon: Johannes Braumann. Creative Robotics
12 noon - 2pm: Lunch break (JMA board lunch by invitation)
2 - 3:30pm: Regular and Short paper presentations and Workshops
3:30 - 4pm: Coffee break
4 - 5:30pm: Regular and Short paper presentations and Workshops
8:00 - 9:00pm: Formal Music Night at Bruckner University
Thursday, July 18
8:30am - 5pm: Registration
9am - 12 noon: Plenary session (Austrian Day)
10:30 - 11am: Coffee break
12 noon - 2pm: Lunch break
2 - 3:30pm: Regular and Short paper presentations and Workshops
3:30 - 4pm: Coffee break
4 - 5:30pm: Regular and Short paper presentations and Workshops
7:30 - 9:0pm: Evening Event at Ars Electronica Center
Friday, July 19
8:30am - 5pm: Registration
9 - 10 am: Lynn Gamwell. The Foundations of Mathematics and Art: Form, Logic, Intuition
10 - 10:30 am: John Sullivan. Symmetry in Koloman Moser's Flächenschmuck
10:30 - 11am: Coffee break
11- 11:30am: Gabriele Meyer. Yarn: Not just for Socks any More
11:30 - 12 noon: Announcements
12 noon - 2pm: Lunch break
2 - 6pm: Family Day/ Poetry Reading/ Short Film Festival/ Demoscene Screenings/ Theater Event
8 - 11pm: Informal Music Night at JKU
Saturday, July 20
Excursion Day