2016 Student Travel Scholarship

The Bridges Organization is pleased to announce the launch of our Bridges 2016 Student Travel Scholarship program. The scholarship is funded through a generous contribution by Jade Vinson. Bridges 2016 is able to provide some financial assistance for full-time undergraduate and graduate students to travel to the conference venue in Finland. Scholarships up to $500 (USD) are available for intracontinental, and up to $1000 (USD) for intercontinental travel based on the applicant's institution and the location of the Bridges conference.

This scholarship award is not applicable to current and visiting students from the host institution. However, students from the host institution are eligible to receive free registration if they wish to participate in the conference.

The Bridges Organization encourages applications from all students who are interested in the interdisciplinary study of mathematics, art and science. The award committee will give preference to students who do any of the following:

  • Submit paper to the Bridges conference 2016
  • Submit artwork to the Bridges Art exhibition
  • Submit movies to the short movie festival
  • Express willingness to volunteer at the conference

All Students must fill out the online form. To apply for the scholarship, please complete the online application form. The completed application must include a letter from the student's department chair indicating their status as a full-time student.

In addition, the Bridges Conference will provide a free conference registration to each awarded students. The number of scholarships and free registrations will depend on the number of applications received. The Bridges Organization encourages students to find matching funds and additional support at their home institutions for any other conference-related expenses.

Application is due by April 1, 2016. Results will be announced by April 15, 2016.

Please contact Professor Sujan Shrestha at the University of Baltimore, Maryland, USA by email: sshrestha@ubalt.edu