2013 Public Lecture

Flat Earth


No, the world is not actually flat, but there are still people out there who would like to make it so.  Join us for the Bridges 2013 Public Lecture to learn why and how.  In this special celebration of art-math connections between Canada and The Netherlands, researchers Jack van Wijk (Eindhoven University of Technology) and David Swart (Christie, Kitchener-Waterloo) will discuss their shared interest in the impossible task of cutting up the earth in order to make it lie flat. Learn about this fascinating topic through images, animations, and live models.

  • When: Saturday, 27 July 2013
  • Where: Grote Kerk, Oude Markt, Enschede
  • 20.00 Reception
  • 20.30 Lecture





Jack van Wijk
Eindhoven University of Technology
Eindhoven, The Netherlands

David Swart
Kitchener-Waterloo, Canada


Support for this talk has been generously provided by the GRAND NCE and Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development Canada.

Download a printable poster advertising this event.

See also information on last year's public lecture about Picasso's Guernica, delivered by Javier Barrallo.