Bridges 2011 Workshop Paper
The Vasarely Playhouse: Look and Combine!
Slavik Jablan and Kristóf Fenyvesi
(Proceedings pages 633–636)
Many of Victor Vasarely's (1906-1997) works are based on the
modularity and construction of different visual objects from
prefabricated basic elements. In this workshop we would like to
illustrate a few of Vasarely's main visual concepts: the use of
transparent elements in sculpture, the recombination of tiles for
obtaining different patterns and the use of Op-art effects. For
this we propose three constructions: production of a hypercube from
a transparent hypercube net, 3D transparent Op-cubes by folding and
gluing printed transparent elements, and an Op-tile game. Participants
can thus explore the mathematical dimensions of Victor Vasarely's
world and have a memorable glimpse of Jablan and Fenyvesi's
collaboration on the field of experience-centered education of
mathematics and the pragmatist aesthetics of interdisciplinarity.