Bridges 2010 Short Paper
Impossible Ornaments
F. Farkas Tamás
(Proceedings pages 513–514)
Modern art approaches the sciences via abstract methods. It has
rediscovered the simple geometrical structures and ancient motifs
and often varies them using mathematical disciplines. The brightest
attempt towards this direction was the constructivism. We also have
to mention the name of M.C. Escher whose life’s work deeply impressed
many contemporary artists.
Also some of my paintings can be connected to the minimal art and
prefers the analytic way of thinking. My works try to express an
ardent desire for beauty and harmony. My visual investigations go
back to the early 70's. Since that time I frequently make impossible
forms not realisable even in higher dimensions, architectural-like
graphics (following Escher, in some sense), and planar regular
tessalations, in color.
The question that intersts me is to find those objects, possibly
imaginary, that contain as much information as possible. The graphical
creations may serve also as tools in education of architectural
engineer students and help to develop a better spatial sensation.