Bridges 2010 Regular Paper
Compositional Constraints of Simultaneous Color Contrast: Toward a Classification of Types
James Mai
(Proceedings pages 59–66)
Simultaneous color contrast, the illusion of change in a physically
constant color, is often explained as resulting from color relationships
only, with little or no acknowledgment of the importance of shape
relationships to the illusory effect. Taking the standard color
interaction chart as the point of departure, the author identifies
compositional features that are both necessary to and optimal for
simultaneous color contrast illusions. A typology of compositional
organizations is proposed, along with a diagrammatic system for
mapping the color interactions. The four compositional types,
simple-uniform, simple duo-form,
complex uniform, and complex
duo-form, are examined through diagrams and examples of the author's
paintings and digital prints. The explication of compositional
features, compositional types, and diagrams offers new strategies
for artists to structurally integrate color and composition.