Submission Steps

  • The submission system starts in December, 2012. Before that, just wait.
  • Prepare your paper as a PDF file. (If you can not prepare PDF files and need assistance converting from some other format, contact the organizers.) Follow the Bridges formatting guidelines. This is exactly how your paper will appear in the printed proceedings. There is a maximum file size of 20MB.
  • If you use LaTex, we have a template available in tar.gz format or in zip format.
  • Processing of all papers (regular, short, and workshop) is handled by an online system called EasyChair: After December, 2013, go to that website and on your first visit click on the I have no EasyChair account button. Follow the instructions to create an account.
  • After you have created an EasyChair account, log in and click on New Submission.
  • Follow the instructions exactly to enter the information about your paper:
    • Enter the Author information.
    • In the box for Title, paste a copy of the title which is in your paper.
    • In the box for Abstract, paste a copy of the abstract which is in your paper. (This allows a conference program to be generated automatically without our having to open each paper and copy out the abstract.)
    • Choose the most appropriate category from the list available or check none of the above.
    • List Keywords which people might use if searching for your paper.
    • To enter the actual .doc or .pdf file, click Browse (to the right of File) and select the file name from the directory on your computer where you store it.
    • If you feel the reviewers should see an auxiliary data file of some sort, e.g., a data or music file which goes along with your paper, you can compress it into a .zip file and enter it as the attachment. Most papers do not need any attachment, so the field can be left blank.
    • Click Submit Paper and wait for your file to be uploaded.
  • After your paper is submitted, you can still go back to EasyChair and Resubmit it to change the information or upload an improved version.
  • If you have difficulties with the electronic submission or if your file is over 20MB and you can not reduce it, please contact Reza Sarhangi to receive instructions.
  • NOTE: we have received several reports that submitters have been unable to upload their files, due to an "internal server error". We apologize for this difficulty, which is a problem with EasyChair and therefore not under our direct control. If you continue to have difficulties, please try creating an entry for your paper but uploading a "dummy" PDF file that's very small. Then contact the Bridges organization ( with a pointer to the real version of your paper. We'll get the real version uploaded for you as soon as we can. Sorry about the inconvenience.