2010 Plenary Speakers
The Honorary Speakers
László Lovász, the Hungarian mathematician from Budapest, the recipient of the Wolf Prize, the John von Neumann Theory Prize, the Bolyai Prize, the Széchényi Grand Prize, the Gödel Prize, and the Kyoto Prize, will open the 2010 Bridges Pecs Conference as the First Plenary Speaker!
Erno Rubik, the world-known Hungarian architect and professor from Budapest will talk in a special session about one of the best known puzzles of all time, Rubik’s Cube, and many more of his inventions!

The Hungarian Day Speakers
György Darvas
The Scientific Co-Organizer of the 2010 Bridges Pécs
Institute for Research of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Director of SYMMETRION
Department of History and Philosophy of Science
Eötvös Loránd University
Budapest, Hungary
Photo: Sándor Csizmadia (Experience Workshop 2009, Pécs city - www.experienceworkshop.hu)
István Lénárt
Inventor of the Lénárt Sphere geometry construction
Eötvös Loránd University
Budapest, Hungary
Vasarely's Work - Invitation to Mathematical and Combinatorial Visual Game
Slavik Jablan
Advisory Board of ISIS-Symmetry
Professor of Geometry at the University of Nish
Mathematical Institute
Belgrade, Yugoslavia
Early Modern Art Layouts in Breuer's Design
Devrim Isikkaya
Faculty of Architecture and Design
Bahçeşehir University
Istanbul, Turkey
Antal Kelle
Designer and Mechanical Engineer
Budaörs, Hungary

István Orosz
Hungarian painter, printmaker, graphic designer and animated film director, is known for his mathematically inspired works, impossible objects, optical illusions, double-meaning images and anamorphoses. The geometric art of István Orosz, with surprising perspectives and optical illusions, has been compared to works by M. C. Escher.
The Music Night Speaker and Composer
Dmitri Tymoczko
Music Department
Princeton University, USA

Dmitri Tymoczko (Princeton University) Composer and Music Theorist. His article "The Geometry of Musical Chords" was the first music theory article ever published by Science. Recipient of Guggenheim Fellowship, Charles Ives Scholarship, Hugh F. MacColl Prize from Harvard University, and the Eisner & Delorenzo Prize from the UC, Berkeley.
Other Plenary Speakers
Julian Voss-Andreae

Julian Voss-Andreae is a German-born sculptor based in Portland (Oregon). Starting out as a painter he later changed course and studied physics at the universities of Berlin, Edinburgh and Vienna. Voss-Andreae pursued his graduate research in quantum physics, participating in a seminal experiment demonstrating quantum behavior for the largest objects thus far. He moved to the U.S. in 2000 with his passion for art rekindled and graduated from Art College in 2004. Voss-Andreae’s work has quickly gained critical attention. His sculpture is heavily influenced by his background in science, capturing the attention of multiple institutions and collectors in the U.S and abroad, including recent commissions for a large-scale outdoor piece for the Scripps Research Institute in Florida and a sculpture for Nobel laureate Roderick MacKinnon at Rockefeller University in New York City. Voss-Andreae’s work has been featured in several publications, including Nature and Science, the two world’s leading science journals.
Angela Vierling-Claassen
Division of Natural Sciences and Mathematics
Lesley University
Cambridge, Massachusetts

Angela Vierling-Claassen is an assistant professor of Mathematics at Lesley University. Her research interests include applying game theory to family dynamics and understanding how adults use math in the "real world."
Angela Vierling-Claassen will talk about the models of surfaces and Abstract Art in the early 20th century.
Penousal Machado
The Scientific Co-Organizer of the 2011 Bridges Coimbra
CISUC, Department of Informatics Engineering
University of Coimbra
Coimbra, Portugal

Penousal Machado, in his presentation “Expressions, Assemblages and Grammars” makes an overview of some of the Evolutionary Art projects he has been involved during the past thirteen years.