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Victor Stipsic, Marko Vujic, and Radmila Sazdanovic


"Tying and untying"

Movie Clip, 2009.

"Tying and untying" is a short movie addressing one of the principal questions in knot theory-unknotting and distinguishing knots. More precisely, we illustrate John H. Conway’s classification of knots into knot and link families. Mathematical ideas permeate vivid animations and music creating visual-acoustic symphony.

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Victor Stipsic, Washington DC, Marko Vujic, Washington DC, Radmila Sazdanovic

Victor Stipsic is an architect, musician, film maker, computer animator and conceptual artist, living and creating between Washington, DC, Porto Alegre, Brazil and Belgrade, Serbia. After working several years on creating short films, he spent past year working on ambient electronic music, inspired by different art forms. His current interest is combining traditional art forms with hi-tech programmable interfaces, sensors and mechanically generated computer animation. Victor Stipsic holds Master degree in Architecture from University of Belgrade, Serbia and he runs a CG animation studio in Washington, DC.

Marko Vujic is an architect and 3D artist, living in Washington, DC. For the past 10 years he has been working on various forms of 3D animation: TV Commercials, Music Videos, Architectural Visualization and variety of art projects. International projects Marko worked on as a 3D artist, span Europe, Asia and USA. With emergence of first 3D software packages, Marko transfered his long-time interest in form and color to the virtual world of computer graphics. Knowledge and techniques he acquired on commercial projects, Marko now applies to the new world of virtual scenery, light effects and abstract forms. He finds his ideas in paintings, music, film and architecture. Marko Vujic holds Master degree in Architecture from University of Belgrade.

Radmila: "My inspiration stems from the rich geometric structures found in tessellations of the hyperbolic plane and my area of research- knot theory. Mathematical objects can be manipulated in many ways (superimposing, dualizing, breaking symmetry) to create aesthetically pleasing computer graphics brought to life by the unusual combination of colors."