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Reza Sarhangi



Digital print, 16" X 20", 2008.

"Hope" is an artwork based on the “Modularity” concept using triangles and rhombuses as its motifs in three colors. The “Modularity” concept has been presented in an article by Reza Sarhangi, Modules and Modularity in Mosaic Patterns, the Journal of the Symmetrion (Symmetry: Culture and Science), Volume 19, Numbers 2-3, 2008. Another article in this regard would be Sarhangi, R., S. Jablan, and R. Sazdanovic, Modularity in Medieval Persian Mosaics: Textual, Empirical, Analytical, and Theoretical Considerations, 2004 Bridges Proceedings. In the following figure, except for the corners with constant color, the two compound triangles (modules) are in a positive-negative color relationship with respect to each other. Using these two modules in a rotational fashion, results in the pattern in the artwork.

Reza Sarhangi, Professor of Mathematics, The Department of Mathematics, Towson University
Towson, Maryland

"I am interested in Persian geometric art and its historical methods of construction, which I explore using the computer software Geometer's Sketchpad. I then create digital artworks from these geometric constructions primarily using the computer software PaintShopPro."