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Irene Rousseau


"Interweaving Rhythms-2"

Layered drawing: Ink drawings on mylar and paper,16" X 16", framed 20" x 20", 2009.

My aim in this layered drawing is to explore geometric patterns and shapes with interweaving rhythms which change spatial locations as they weave in and out from concave to convex.

Irene Rousseau, “Artist/ Art Historian”, MFA ,Ph.D., International Exhibiting Artist with works in over 15 prominent museums around the world such as MOMA and Whitney Museum, New York, USA
Summit, New Jersey

"My sculptures, paintings and drawings are metaphors for the complexity and underlying order reflected in many patterns in nature and the mathematical coherence found in natural forms. They represent invisible forces made visible. My works are an interpretation of how we perceive through our senses, nature and the structure of our physical world. They are also references to the idea of space and the intellectual understanding of the unseen. Technique : My hyperbolic sculptures are composed of tessellated mosaic patterns referring to the concept of infinity. They are hand made glass and hand cut tesserae. My paintings are acrylic paint on canvas and explore spatial structures found on the microscopic and macroscopic level. They are my vehicle for expressing the rhythms and energies 'found in the universe'."