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Artist: Christine Liu
Model Creators: Ergun Akleman and Qing Xing


"Ribbon weaving no. 1"

Digital print, 13” x 9”, 2009.

This plain-weaving model is automatically generated from the algorithm in the paper Cyclic plain-weaving on polygonal mesh surfaces with graph rotation systems. Cycles of the plain-woven object are created from any manifold-mesh surface by twisting every edge of the manifold mesh and convert the plain-weaving cycles to 3D thread structures. Users interactively control the shape of the threads and the size of gaps with a set of parameters creating a wide variety of unique plain- weaving patterns.

This generated weaving model has 16 identical closed cycles with user control over the width, displacement, and curvature of the weaving yarns.

Christine Liu, PhD Student in Department of Architecture, Ergun Akleman, PhD, Professor in Department of Visualization, Qing Xing, PhD Student in Department of Architecture
Texas A&M University, College of Architecture, College Station, Texas

"Inspired by the detail of that which is supple, Christine Liu continually updates her mathematical techniques with a self-driven craft refinement in classical training. Paint, sculpture and architectural drafting have all formulated a longstanding basis for an appropriate representation in her personal form of rational digital expression. Here, a timeless balance of scale, form and simulated vernacular methods are evident in the otherwise conventional mathematical art expression.

Inspiration for the selected style and palette come from classic vibrant colored ribbon fabric and various types of ribbon weaving crafts. This piece is rendered and produced through Maya and Photoshop."