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Ghee Beom Kim


"Gong Gan"

Digital Print, 12 x12 inches, 2009.

“Gong Gan” employs a dodecahedron as its base form. I saw polyhedra as a form of tessellation on a sphere (spherical tessellation) and just by replacing each pentagon face on the dodecahedron with a module that tessellates within the pentagon and with the adjacent ones as well I was able to create this pleasant looking sculpture.

Ghee Beom Kim, Freelance artist
Sydney, Australia

"As for me my art is a channel through which I communicate with the higher entity. It’s a form of profound prayer on my part. Geometry has, so far, given me the best means to explore universe and reveal His secrets.

By exploring into geometry from purely aesthetic perspective I can see clear relationship between the pure beauty of mathematics and God.

My art is devoid of any human feelings and the focus is solely upon revealing unknown mathematical and geometrical order leading to visual essence.

I create most of my artwork using Autocad and touch up in Photoshop afterward."