Mary Williams

"Tumbling Escher"

Hand and Machine piecing, Hand Quilting, 15" by 12" by 3", 2006

Escher had several works where the art came out of the flat plane and went back in. Tumbling blocks is a traditional quilt pattern consisting of three 60-120 degree rhombus. It is well suited to come out of the plane.

"Great Wheel of Theodosis"

Fabric 'Quilt', 18" by 18" by 1" , 2006

While the wheel of Theodosis usually stops at the square root of 17, this is due to the overlaying the previous root. When taken to the third dimension, we can go as high as the quilter's frustration level allows. The 'peaks' are roots of even numbers, while the 'valleys' are roots of odd numbers.

Mary Williams
Graduate Student and freelance artist Association - Arizona State University

Statement about my art:
"(Mary + Fabric)^Work = Quilts "