Clifford Singer

"Cut Space Series, Composition #34"

Acrylic on Lexan, 36" x 44" , ©2006

"This piece is from the Cut Space Series Composition # 34, Juxtaposition of parabolic curvature to the integration of a fragmented ellipse with color usage propel this unit to a fathomable depth and magnitude in pictorial space. The systems have relationships to nature, such as in subatomic particles in cloud chambers, and as a joyous celebration of cosmology. The objective unit of the work appears to be floating, moving, and/or being rescued by gravitational attractions, or in corpuscular unity."

"Cut Space Series, SuperString.1 Contrast"

Acrylic on Lexan, 36" x 72" , ©2006

"That a complex formalism is contrasted in space by a similar variation in space-time adds significant clarity to the meaning of the pictorial space. The invariable extent of fluidity in a rigid mapping and repeated with contrast in color from primary to secondary colors limits our apperception within the boundaries of the picture plane. This simple limit controls our window of perception and with speed of line having directional asymmetric composition involving references to Bezier's diagrams and curvature properties and straight lines of infinite speed maintaining the principle of colinearity, thus through a thought recognize an apperception to an organization of space-time. 'Space-time does not claim existence on its own, but only as a structural quality of the field.' Page 155, Relativity and Problem of Space 1961 by the Estate of Albert Einstein."

Clifford Singer
Independent Artist; Secondary Mathematics License - Nevada, Mathematics Teacher, Las Vegas, Nevada

Statement about my art:
"From the standpoint of art and geometry, quite early on in life I decided that since I plan to use geometry in my art - then I must know everything about geometry. Having been fortunate to grow up in a family of mathematicians, architects and artists as well as being second cousin to the late Mortimer Leach, Professor, Art Center School, Los Angeles and author, Lettering For Advertising, 1956 who had had a significant impact and inspiration for me during my childhood. I have been working with geometry in my art spanning four decades. As a traditional easel painter I have encountered numerous sorts of misunderstanding both to the notion of my work but also to the degree of difficulty in producing the paintings. The art combines both ancient and modern mathematical foundations ranging from Pythagoras to Einstein."