Matjuska Teja Krasek


digital print, 2005

"Emotions from Arcturus"

digital print, 2003

Profession: Freelance artist
Residence: Ljubljana, Slovenia
Among other things, my artistic work is connected to different kinds of symmetry (symmetry operations), Penrose tilings, Penrose rhombs, quasicrystals, the golden mean as an element of symmetry, Fibonacci sequences, etc. With the help of reflection, imagination and intuition I try to glean new relationships, new levels of structure, new and different kinds of order in these elements and structures. On the other hand, through some perceptually instable (ambiguous) compositions I wish to emphasize the principles of the way our cognitive system works – not only our visual apparatus, our brain and mind, but the entire process of perception (as a whole) as well. I find computer graphics as a very useful and attractive medium for creating my artworks and technology itself as a link in a braid where science, math and art interact.