Bradford Hansen-Smith


23 folded circles, 4" x 5" x 6", 7" diameters diminished to 1", 2005.

"Double end Spiral"

70 folded circles, 9" x 3.5" x 3.5", 4.5" diameters diminished to 3/4", 2005.

Bradford Hansen-Smith
Profession: “Small business Owner”
Affiliation: “Wholemovement Geometry”
Residence: “Chicago, Illinois”

All circles have been printed with images taken from a series of prints by Robert J. Krawczyk; Spiral Mandalas, Metallic Mesh, and Metallic Beads. The original color prints have been translated into black and white with value and size changes. The circles are then cut out, folded and joined together.

Wholemovement Geometry
Folding the circle for information