Chaim Goodman-Strauss
Professor of Mathematics; geometer; artist, University of Arkansas
"Creating 'mathfun'-- interesting, cheaply reproduced, freely distributed,
interactive mathematical products-- has been an integral part of my work for
my entire adult life. The physical pieces themselves are only part of the art:
their production and dissemination is as important or more so. I view this as
a kind of performance art, in which everyone who enjoys and shares the work
is a kind of co-conspirator (witting or not). The work is typically heavily
layered: a graphically engaging surface often encodes a deeper, richer mix of
mathematical ideas, aimed at a much narrower audience. In effect, perhaps, these
are coded letters, with enough broad appeal to encourage transmission to their
intended audience: far-flung, geometrically capable ten year olds."
“Miscellaneous Mathfun ”
1992-2008, Cardstock, xerox, 4-color printing, CD, laser cut wood, 12" x 12"
Various products produced by the fictional companies The Ptolemy
Mathcard Co. and The Bamboo Math Co Ltd. Prototypes are to be exhibited,
and copies freely distributed to attendees of Bridges. [[The items in
the attached photo are only a portion]]
“ 59 Icosahedra in a Box ”
1992, cardstock, 12"x12"x4"
A very small box containing all 59 stellations of the icosahedron!
“ Dodecafoam Blocks ”
2004, cardstock, 12" x 12" x 12"
A set of several shapes of blocks, based on dodecafoam, that can be
assembled into a large dodecahedron.
“ Seed *6_1 3_1 2_1”
2006, postscript programming, 12" x 12"
An image of a crystallographic symmetry from "The Symmetries of
Things" by John H. Conway, Heidi Burgiel and C. Goodman-Strauss.
“ Seed *:6 3_1 2”
2006, Digital print created using postscript programming, 12" x 12"
An image of a crystallographic symmetry from "The Symmetries of
Things" by John H. Conway, Heidi Burgiel and C. Goodman-Strauss.