Mehrdad Garousi

Freelance fractal artist, painter and photographer

gallery address:

"After experimenting with other media like painting and photography I began searching for a more complex medium, in order to show some new natural and not very humanistic concepts where rules directly come from the mathematical existence of the natural face of the real world. So I selected abstract imaging with fractals, in which mathematical attributes like self similarity and non integer hausdorff dimension affords the chance to creating some wonderful artistic complex and chaotic images."


“The Carpet ”

2007, Digital art print, Real size:92" x 92" and printable in any sizes for example 36" x 36" for the exhibition

This work shows a rectangular tessellation consisting of turning round and spinning hypotenuses (made of small rectangular and triangular forms) with rotation angle of 90 degrees. The iteration and continuing of this process makes a perfect complex carpet of hypotenuses, rectangles and diamonds that looks convex at the center of the whole image.

“ The Dome ”

2007, Digital art print, Real size:94.5" x 94.5" and printable in any sizes for example 36" x 36" for the exhibition

In this artwork we can see how Islamic tessellation appears in the interior architecture of domes of the mosques. Here the very small basic rectangular and triangular mosaics make hexagonal and six pointed star flowers, all of which match side by side and create an infinite seamless texture with a nice self similarity at the center. Notice that the color of the mosaics in the image are like the real mosaics' main colors of the domes, like orange, lemon, amethyst, blue, pink and grass green.

“ Blue Sun ”

2007, Digital art print,Real size:86.6" x 86.6" and printable in any sizes for example36" x 36" for the exhibition

In this print, eight pointed lotuses appear in combination with many Euclidean octagons with spiral forms exibiting fractal behavior. Meantime, the relationship between bluish and greenish colors makes a spiritual feeling.

“ Bicentric Dome ”

2007, Digital art print, Real size:94.5" x 77.1" and printable in any sizes for example36" x 29.3" for the exhibition

This print depicts a not believable bicentric dome with two infinite concave centroids. In magnification it shows a bicentric coiling tessellation. Here the small colorful rectangles and triangles are only as a texture and the basic structure is made by black areas.

“ Pantheism ”

2007, Digital art print, Real size:82.6" x 82.6" and printable in any sizes for example36" x 36" for the exhibition

In this work, Euclidean octagons form chaotic spiral constructions that continue infinitely at the center, similar to different interior stairs of a caverned complex structure. It also is reminiscent of mandalas' three dimensional form and construction.