Roland de Jong Orlando

Freelance artist

"Playing with rules"
"The first experience you have when you look at an image is of esthetic nature. Grasping the order, proportions or other rules that the artist has applied is an intellectual experience which follows afterwards, possibly. This intellectual experience can make the esthetic appreciation of the image more intense. As an artist, I do apply rules to achieve order in chaos, both in the construction of my sculptures and in the proportions. I don't handle those rules as an absolute factor, but in a playful way. Most of the time my starting point comes from order. This is already obvious in my choice of material: cylinders (straight or curved tubes) or beams. This material is then divided into some basic elements, with which I start playing by combining, organising and manipulating them: the final form often is not thought out in advance, but 'discovered' in the process."


“Ariete - 2”

2004, wood, 60 x 40 x 42 cm.

This sculpture is constructed of three parts. The base is a circular form which is constructed of modules that are cut under the same angle. The two spiral forms are constructed of modules that increasingly change angle.

“ Ariete 3 ”

2006, painted wood, 64 x 71 x 28 cm.

This sculpture is constructed of three parts. The big circular form is constructed of two types of modules, in groups of three by three . The two smaller circles at the end are constructed of the same modules, but in groups of two by two."

“ Juxtaposed ”

2005, painted wood, 95 x 26 x 26 cm.

This sculpture is constructed of three parts. All three parts are constructed of modules that are cut under the same angle, with the differences that they are made of 16, 17 and 18 modules.

“Ritmo 2 (Fibonacci) ”

2006, painted wood, 78 x 78 x 16 cm.

This sculpture is constructed of seven parts. All seven parts are constructed of modules that are cut under the same angle, with the differences that they are made of 1,1,2,3,5, 8 and 13 modules, as in the Fibonacci numbers series.

“Panta Rhei ”

2006, painted wood, 89 x 47 x 52 cm.

This sculpture is constructed of two parts. The two spiral forms are constructed of modules that increasingly change angle. This sculpture is a mobile, driven by a small motor which makes it turn around slowly.