Cameron Browne
Software Engineer
"My mathematical art generally starts with existing ideas, extrapolated
in new directions and combined with disparate elements in an effort to create
new and visually interesting results; the more surprising the better. Quick
visualisations are mocked up in C++ software and the final models exported to
PostScript (2D) and POVRay (3D) formats for rendering."
“The Darker Side of "You" ”
2006, Digital print
A harmonogram is the visualisation of a string of characters as a
harmonic series. For this image, the character positions and values
within the string {" you", 3, 117} define the frequencies and amplitudes
of Fourier descriptors, the modulus value 3 induces the three-fold
symmetry and the frequency scaling value 117 increases the curve's
complexity. The resulting Fourier series is sampled at 14,004 regular
intervals and a sphere plotted at each sample with radius based on local
path curvature. This method of undersampling introduces periodic errors
that manifest as delicate
spiral tendrils, lending a lighter touch to this otherwise menacing figure.
“ A Clockwork Bicycle ”
2006, Digital print
This image shows two harmonograms {"a", 3, 141} + {"a", 7, 2102}
composited as a single harmonic series.
The Fourier descriptor frequencies and amplitudes are identical in both
cases (given by "a") but the modulus values (3 and 7) and frequency
scaling values (141 and 2102) are relatively prime, resulting in large
sweeping paths modulated by finer perturbations. The Fourier series is
sampled at 10,000 regular intervals, with local path width based on
local path curvature and colour based on a continuous spectrum over the
time domain t = [0..1].
The image suggests a skeletal figure riding an equally skeletal
bicycle... with a bit of imagination.
“ Impossible Fern.”
2006, Digital print
This figure shows a fractal structure called the Pythagorean Tree
incorporating an impossible multibar motif (based on the Penrose
Triangle). The tree curls to the left as its construction is based on
alternating squares and 30 degree Pythagorean triangles, which are
substituted by a simple multibar design at each iteration. This
particular tree uses a greedy algorithm that branches left twice for
every right branch, giving a more homogenous spread of detail for a
limited number of iterations (10).
“ Abelian Study+ ”
2007, Digital print
Spanish architect Antoni Gaudi (1852-1926) based many of his designs
on elegant polyhedral models deformed into organic-looking shapes. This
image shows an extrapolation of a sculpture study by Gaudi, based on the
branching pattern of the evergreen shrub Abelia floribunda. The basic
unit of construction is a stella octangula with the top and bottom
points removed, repeatedly stacked along a spiral path with decreasing
size and 185 degree rotation per iteration.
The skew quadrilaterals formed by adjacent triangle pairs that meet
across iterations are smoothed to form hypar patches, giving the final
model an organic spiky look.
“ Trencadis Tori ”
2007, Digital print
This figure shows two interlocking tori finished in a style inspired
by Spanish architect Antoni Gaudi (1852-1926). The periodic undulations,
checkerboard colouring and trencadis-style mosaic finish are reminiscent
of the design of the tower overlooking the main entrance at Park Guell