James Dean Palmer

"Third Order Caffeine"

Digital print, 16" X 16", 2007.

This is an iso-surface of a third-closest point distance function applied to the positions of constituent atoms in the molecule, caffeine. Particularly interesting in molecules are the many natural two and three dimensional symmetries that exist. These symmetries often reveal themselves not just in a direct visual representation but in higher order distance functions. The discontinuities or sharp edges between smooth surfaces occur at the intersections with a three dimensional 3rd-nearest neighbor Voronoi diagram.

"Dodecahedron Flowering"

Digital print, 16" X 16", 2007.

This is an iso-surface of a fourth-closest point distance function applied to the positions of vertexes in a regular dodecahedron. These kinds of crisp complex symmetries persist over many different nearest point distance functions.


"C(60) after 9"

Digital print, 16" X 16", 2007.

This is an iso-surface of a ninth-closest point distance function applied to the atomic positions of atoms in the Buckminsterfullerene molecule. More commonly known as a "bucky ball," the underlying geometry is that of a truncated icosahedron. This beautiful, deeply mathematical particle resonates with symmetry as higher order nearest point distance functions are applied.

James Dean Palmer
Assistant Professor of Computer Science, Computer Science Department, Northern Arizona University

"Visualizing distance is an important theme in my work. Distance and spatial relationships form the soul of geometry. Yet distance is something that can be both concrete and real in one instant and allusive and abstract the next. It is probably easy to imagine where the closest fire station is, but where would you be if that was the third closest fire station? The answer might be somewhat surprising. I'm particularly interested in expressing these kinds of relationships visually and concretely when they do become complex and abstract."