Natasha Koshka

"Real Projective Plane"

Watercolor, paper, 11.7" X 8.2", 1999.

The projective plane can be realized as a disc with identified points on the boundary, or as a sphere with cross-cups. The fruits go through the transition between the states.

"Arzela-Ascoli Theorem"

Watercolor, paper, 11.7" X 8.2", 1998.

The Arzela-Ascoli theorem is the statement about compactness of a set of continuous functions (here slices of the cake) over a compact set (here the triangle in the base).


"Trace of a Matrix"

Watercolor, paper, 8.5" X 10.5", 1998.

"The First Fundamental Group of a Torus"

Acrylic, paper, 11" X 13", 2006.

Those sheep love stars more than grass. Tie them right, or they will fly away.

"It's a Sin"

Oil, canvas, 16" X 19", 2006.

How many people in the world know more than one definition of sin(x)? How many mathematicians escape from the evil, sins and responsibilities of real life to their virtual world?


Natasha Koshka, Moscow, Russia/Cambridge, USA

"And what is the use of a book," thought Alice, "without pictures or conversations?"
Lewos Carroll, Alice in Wonderland"