Jack Tait
Ink jet prints from drawing machines, 20" x 16", 2005.
"Light wave invert"
Ink jet prints from drawing machines, 20" x 16", 2006?.
"Angel Fish"
Ink jet prints from drawing machines, 20" x 16", 2006.
Jack Tait
"I am a printmaker, designing machines which draw. The drawings become prints
following scanning and 'processing' in Adobe Photoshop. Recently I have added
a light drawing unit which puts images straight into a digital camera. (See light
Wave and Angel fish above) I believe that this approach is unique and differs
markedly from 'computer art' in that it is not produced in a deterministic way.
Whilst I have an intuitive feel for what the outcome will be, there is a sufficient
degree of 'quasi random' input in the timer/programmers to ensure that I do not
always know exactly how an image will turn out. Many drawings are done and only
a few selected - much like the conventional hand/eye drawing process. There is
also a philosophical element, in that many viewers are not always sure whether
the latest images are made by a machine or a person. This ambiguity raises interesting
questions about the nature of art. It is almost a 'Turing test' in visual terms."