John Rigby
"Nowell Nowell"
Water colour and poster colour, 6.7" high x 5.7", 2002.
"Homage to William Morris"
Coloured pencil, 8.9" high x 6.7", 2003.
"Interlacing Pattern with Birds"
Poster colour and coloured pencil, 11.2" high x 15.4", 2004.
"Penrose-style Tiling with Sevenfold Rotational symmetry"
Design by John Rigby computer drawing by Peter Pleasants, mounted on a circular wooden panel, diameter 9", 2000-2005.
John Rigby
"Since my retirement from the School of Mathematics, Cardiff University, I have had more time to combine two of my lifelong interests -
geometry and patterns. Three of these exhibits illustrate one of the less familiar geometrical plane symmetry types, denoted by pgg."