Doreen Mason

"Interlocking Spirals"

Acrylics on canvas, 25" x 28", 2006.

"Drawing for Interlocking Spirals"

Acrylics on canvas, 23" x 23", 2006.

Doreen Mason

I attended art colleges in England where I obtained a Master's Degree in Textiles in 1976. From the beginning my approach to creating design was of an analytical nature. The relationships within needed to have a logical connection rather than being purely aesthetic. I worked with themes such as transition, transformation and deterioration to determine sequences of change in shape and color. On the Master's Degree course I studied geometrical forms in more depth in order to gain more freedom in the manipulation of their shapes.

"Although my time has been divided between full time employment and art, at present I am making a determined effort to promote my work in order to gain more time with it. In recent work I have interpreted the theme of curved surfaces through twists, giving these a spiraling form to create a feeling of intensity and movement. In this second painting I needed there to be more flow throughout the whole and more sympathy between the twists. I projected them into each others boundaries to unify them. A transitional sequence was also used to show the gradual distortion and breakdown of the regular form. The changes in the form were created by translating an undistorted drawing through a distortion grid generated from the equiangular spiral. "