Craig Kaplan


Digital Print, 10"x13", 2005

"Leo": portrait of Leo Khachiyan, a computer scientist whose research is linked to the history of the Traveling Salesman Problem. The portrait was created by scattering a collection of sample points over the portrait, where sampling density was controlled by the darkness of the underlying image. The sample points were then fed as cities to a heuristic TSP solver, which produced the near- optimal tour drawn in the portrait.
For more information, see Kaplan and Bosch, "TSP Art", in the proceedings of Bridges 2005.

"Islamic Metamorphosis #2"

Digital print, 6"x13" , 2005

"Islamic Metamorphosis #2": An "Islamic Parquet Deformation": a smooth metamorphosis between two well-known Islamic star patterns. The original star patterns are both based on a tiling by regular decagons and irregular bow-tie-shaped hexagons. They lie in a continuum of patterns derivable from that tiling using a single, real-valued parameter.
For more details, see Kaplan, "Islamic Star Patterns from Polygons in Contact", Graphics Interface 2005

Craig Kaplan, University of Waterloo

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