Bradford Hansen-Smith

"Fractal Branch Conical Helix"

20 paper plate circles with varied diameters, 23" x 7" x 8", 2006.

"Hyperbolic Tetrahedron with Twisting Conical Helix"

53 computer printed and folded circles with diminishing diameters, 8" x 7" x 5", 2006.

"Three Twined"

32 coated paper circles, 7" x 7" x 8", 2006.

"Cone Form"

14 computer printed circles, 3" x 3" x 6", 2005.

Bradford Hansen-Smith

4604 N. Elston #3, Chicago, IL 60630

The source for the printing on the circles were computer generated color images created by Robert Krawczyk. They were then changed to black and white, resized and printed to varying diameters before folding and joining.

" By looking at the image of the circle it is not possible to anticipate what can be generated by simple step-by-step folding and joining circles. These objects are part of an ongoing sixteen year exploration of folding the circle. I have taken this on since nobody else was doing it and it seemed necessary and important to do. The circle is simultaneously both Whole and a part in ways no other shape or form can demonstrate. Nothing is arbitrary or ambiguous about folding circles. The order and organization of proportional relationships are beautifully structural, generative, and have origin in spherical unity.

Folding circles reveals the traditional patterns and functions used in geometry, mathematics, the sciences, and in all arts. The circle is uniquely self-referencing and comprehensive to all pattern formation. Nothing is added to or taken away. The circle reflects the principles and process of ordered and systematic movement observed in spontaneous interactions generated throughout the universe. Everything becomes informational to the "Whole", engaging the body, stimulating the mind, and touching the creative spirit. "