Mike Field

"Enduring Illusions"

Durst Lambda print, 24" x 24" on photographic paper (original is 48 x 48"), 2004

EnduringIllusions is a two-colour design - in this case part of a repeating pattern of symmetry type cmm/cm (Coxeter notation).


Durst Lambda print, 28" x 28" on photographic paper, 2002

EndGame is based on a repeating pattern of type pgg.


Durst Lambda print, 24" x 13" on photographic paper (original is 48 x 48"), 2002

Rockaby is a two-colour design - based on a repeating pattern of symmetry type pmg/pgg (Coxeter notation).
Mike Field

Professor of Mathematics, University of Houston, Houston, TX 77204-3008

" Mathematically speaking, the images I create are realizations of invariant measures of symmetric chaotic dynamical systems; both deterministic and non-deterministic. Although the time evolution of these systems seems random and haphazard, long-term time averages often reveal complex and intricate symmetric structure and pattern that can lead to a harmonious and beautiful design. I feel that these images are simple instances of the statistical regularity through which we perceive many aspects of nature and the universe. Symmetry imposes a unity and harmony on a design. Some symmetries, especially of repeating patterns, can have intriguing psychological and physiological effects and this is something I like to play with in my work. I use no commercial software in the creation of my pieces and the challenge of achieving the desired effects often results in the construction of new algorithms (especially in the case of "two-colour" designs where I have been developing the colouring software for many years). "


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