Bridges 2012 Regular Paper
Splitting Tilings
Rinus Roelofs
(Proceedings pages 111–118)
In this paper I will investigate some properties of a special group
of tilings. Namely those tiling's that can be coloured with only
two different colours in such a way that every set of two tiles
which have a common edge have a different colour. In the works of
M.C. Escher these tiling's play an important role. In his book
Regelmatige Vlakverdeling [1] M.C. Escher writes about the
foreground-background phenomenon of this group of tilings. In fact
these 2-colorable tilings can be seen as a compound of two groups
of tiles. And so we can split a 2-colorable tiling in two sets of
tiles and we can concentrate on only one of these sets.