Bridges 2012 Regular Paper
Architecture, Form, Expression: The Helicoidal Skyscraper's Geometry
Alessandra Capanna, Mauro Francaviglia, Marcella G. Lorenzi
(Proceedings pages 349–356)
The Expressionist utopia of an Architect imitating the rigorous and
-at the same time- extremely bizarre formative principles of Nature,
linked with the engineering "must" of a coherent and correct structure
are apparent antithesis if only played as the manifestation of an
irrational and uncontrolled freedom. We explore the ancient idea
of Harmony and Beauty and the historical confidence in the
spiral as the symbol of perfection in an unbuilt project for a
565 m (1,854 ft) high skyscraper that was supposed to be built on
the tip of Manhattan, NYC.
The role of geometry is no more exploited as an instrument for
controlling architectural form, but for its liberation: the project
for a helicoidal skyscraper consisted of a succession of warped
wings developed on the layout of the logarithmic spiral. The
helicoidal shape, works better than the others in splitting up the
force of the wind in resistance, has a positive influence on the
stability of the building and is the result of a strong design
theory wondering about the power of invention, the power of geometry,
the power of relationships among numbers, and finally the beauty
of (deriving from) mathematics (in Architecture).